Online Memorials

Bailey Maxwell Pepler

2007 - 2018

Sweet B-Diddy,
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
Where do I begin to thank you for the gifts and life lessons you have taught me through the years. Your unconditional love, sweet spirit and endless kisses has brought me more joy than you could ever know. Even when you were diagnosed with diabetes and lost some vision, you continued to go on with the same energy and love of life. You will forever be my inspiration and hero.
I will forever cherish the memories we shared...our walks around the block, adventures through the forest, beach days, making cookies, belly rubs and car rides and tucking you into bed. Your presence brought me peace, happiness and pure joy everyday.
I promise to honor you and live out my days, until we meet again at Rainbow Bridge, being the person you saw through your eyes.

Sweet Dreams My Love Bug.
All My Love,