Online Memorials


2011 - 2022

My Bella Bean (Aka Bella Boop & Bella Wella Girl).... Where do I begin?

You stole our hearts from the moment we met you. Actually... You stole everyone's heart, how could you not. Your personality was like no other. You loved people and attention more than anything in the world (other than maybe food)!

You loved the vet and groomers because that meant you got to see new faces. The handful of times you escaped the yard we would find you right away because you would run up to the first person you would see and want their attention. The dogs at the dog park would get upset because you wouldn't leave their owners alone and wanted nothing to do with playing with the other dogs.

You loved food and loved to beg.... If we were eating you were in our face and would even try to steal a bite or a lick even up until a couple weeks ago when you stole a lick of my ice cream that was right in my hand.

We picked you up today to bring you back home so now seems like the right time to make this post in remembrance of you.

Thank you so much for the 10+ years you spent here with us, life definitely wouldn't have been the same without you. You were a great big sister to Ben and you brought us all so much happiness. I would've given anything to take you home and spoil you a few last days. Although it was heartbreaking to let you go and now to be here without you, I'm glad knowing you didn't suffer long.

I hope you're somewhere over the rainbow bridge having the time of your life! Until we meet again my sweet girl ❤️