Online Memorials


2011 - 2023

Bomber, Bobo, Bomberbino Pomberpino, Pupperino, Robert, Bom Bom, Bo. I hope you know how important you were to me, your Papa, Oliver, and Remy. Your Papa, the least spontaneous person I know, looked into your eyes and knew he needed you to be our dog. We called his dad to talk us out of it but we still went back to get you and take you home. Sometimes you were naughty (eating my dang bagels all the time or drinking my coffee) but I would give anything to walk in on you eating my food again. You barked at anything and everything and sometimes it drove me crazy but life is much too quiet without you here. I miss your curiosity and how you were there at every turn. The house seems so sad without your little pitter patter of paws following me all about. Everywhere I look, I expect to see you because you were always so good at being there. When I say goodnight to Oliver, it makes me so sad that I can’t find you on our bed and give you pats and kisses like I usually do. The yard seems much too big for just Remy. He misses you too - he gets so confused at meal times because he’s used to waiting for you to go first. The part that seems the most unfair is the circumstances of your passing. You were pooped from daycare when we picked you up and so we didn’t get to play and interact as much as we typically do. The next morning, we layed in bed like normal but I had no idea you were hurting, you seemed so at ease like you always did. Papa carried you and helped you try to potty then we left for the emergency vet. They took you back before I got inside with Oliver. I didn’t even get to hold you before it was too late. I’m so sorry for that - I should have held you tight as soon as we got back from daycare. I wish we had more time. I thought you’d be around when Oliver started to walk on his own. I miss you so so much and I still can’t believe you’re gone. Find Zeddy, wherever you are, and snuggle up tight with him. I love you Bomber.