Online Memorials


1999 - 2017

Caleb you are the cutest and greatest dog ever!! With the saddest of hearts we say goodbye to you after 18 years of wonderful adventures and laughs due to your uniqueness. So loyal, curious, huggable and sweet- a character. You never complained and only wanted love (well...maybe treats too). You gave us so much love.We can't believe that you are not here with us now. Words can't express how deeply we miss you. You were strong ( in all senses ) "Mr. Wiggle Butt"! You were "your own person" and a very easy-going guy. Although some say you may not have been "a brave Little Piglet", you were a great general, barking your orders as a very clever Poodle. You knew how to make everyone else do the work without complaint! Great job!! You will always be in our hearts and minds. We love you so vey much!! Find peace and enjoy your new journey. - Love, your Family