Lando Medeiros
2009 - 2024
Lando, lanny, crando ,cranny, Scranny D, scrandidley, scranny Da- Neeeee Deeeee… I could go on and on. you have so many fun names , and you answered to all of them. Such a smart Boy ❤️. We All miss you so much . We miss you “yelling” at Mum and Myles , Hehe. Lucky keeps looking for you . She misses following you around. she was your shaDow❤️ Thank you for being the best protector, for all of the years of love , LOYALTY, Laughs and cuddles . We were blessed to have you ❤️ It gives us comfort knowing you are reunited with leia , Luke , Papa and Aunty Dawn ❤️. Rest now my cuddle buddy❤️. We will miss you until we see you again❤️. We love you, forever and always , Mum, Dad, Lucky , Cy JUstice, myles & Bria xoxoxo