Online Memorials

Oskey Saavedra

Oskey, my best friend for life.

my dog was one of the best dog in the whole wide world. his smile was soo adorable. he protected us from harm by barking at anyone who got near us. he was small but capable of so much. he would go to sleep each night and i would pray to God to let him live for a long time and my prayer came true but now i have no dog to play with. no dog to cuddle up with. no dog to do anything. i miss him so much. every day after getting home from school, i would be so happy to see my dog oskey again. now all i can do is cry my eyes out. i love you Oskey with all my heart!!!!!! I could not have wished for a better dog than you. you were everything to me. I now have an empty space in my heart and even if we get another dog, that dog would not be able to fill that empty space in my heart because only you can. you were the best dog i ever had!! i hope to see you in heaven! i love you with ALL my heart and i will never forget you! at least i had a good time with you. i have all those memories in my mind of how you always wanted to sleep in my oms bed and how you would always go into Yadiras bed and just stay there until some one took you out!!!!! I will never forget you oskey!!! you will always be in my heart no matter where you are. you willl always be my dog no matter where you are!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART THAT I CANT STOP SAYING IT. XOXO yor best friend