Online Memorials


2011 - 2023

My baby, my beautiful sweet baby Russ. My angel.
Some people go through life without knowing the true meaning of love. I got lucky, times two. Russ and Robbie have taught me the real meaning of love, love without boundaries, without limits, that sincere and pure love that only a fur baby knows how to give. They never ask you for anything, they are there to give it all and take nothing from you.
In the early hours of June 21st I lost my baby Russ, my beautiful, sweet baby boy. Mi Niño engreído Russecito.
It’s been so difficult to write this.
I’m broken. I’m hurt. The pain is so big.
I never thought one can love a four legged baby so much. It hurts not having him here anymore. It pains me that he suffered his last days and yet, he was still making me smile and giving me so much love.
My companion anywhere I went, mi niño Russ. Mi niño de mirada profunda, con ojos tristes y pensativos.
I’ll never know love like that again. I’ll miss him every day and every minute for the rest of my life. Without Russ, Robbie and I are incomplete.
Russ and Robbie came to me twelve years ago and turned my empty apartment into a home, they gave me the family I always wanted. They taught me how to be a mom, how care, how to listen. They taught me so much about life, I will never be able to explain it all. They showed me that a broken heart can be mended with their presence; but now that Russ is gone, how are Robbie and I suppose to mend our broken hearts?
Of all the things I have learned from my babies, Russ taught me how to speak up for what I want and for what I like, but most importantly how to really speak up for what I really didn’t want or like, for the things that didn’t feel right by him. He was the smallest member of our family, but the toughest when needed to be. He was fierce. The smallest yes, but the one with the biggest personality.
He knew how to choose his friends, and always chose them well, I learned that from him too. He was picky on who he liked, but if he accepted you, he knew and let me know too, that you have earned it and were deserving of his love.
He will forever be guiding star
Run free on the grass that you loved so much, run far and fast and unleashed the way you used to do, over there, on the other side of the rainbow where there are no fireworks and thunder to scare you. You can be happy without the city noise that you hated, where you’ll only hear the song of the birds, those that you loved and enjoyed. Run with the butterflies my baby.
Thank you for the happiest twelve years of my love mi niño chiquito.
We will meet again mi chiquito tierno. No matter how much I loved you, you always loved me more.
Robbie and I miss you so so much, a piece of our hearts is with you forever 🤍
Mama and Robbie