Online Memorials

Sally Deschenes

2010 - 2021

"Sally our Sweet Petunia Pie"
Linus's girl🐾 Apple of Dads eye❣ Moms little baby💖
We have all your babies you loved so much, Mom will keep them with Linus's toys now too ...
Thank you for all the pure sweet love you gave unconditionally ❤
We know you and Linus are together again🐾🤎💛🐾 ..It broke your heart too when he left us..
Mom and Dads hearts are now broken without both of you💔💔
Love you to a million stars up in the sky..🌟
Always and forever til we are all together again💕💛🐾🤎🐾💘
Give Linus 🤎 a big hug for us...
Miss you our baby girl💔
💕Lady Sally of Rowena🐾