Online Memorials

Tess Mancone

2005 - 2017

Tess, when I went to the Warwick Animal Shelter in the spring of 2006, you were only 5 months old. We had an instant connection and we adopted each other. The past 12 years with you were the best. You brought me so much love and happiness. In 2009, we found out you were hyperthyroid and was on medication daily. You took very ill one week before Christmas, seeing you like that broke me inside. I love and miss you more than words can say and my heart aches for you everyday. As I know you are in a better place at Rainbow Bridge, our life is not the same with you gone. Mommy loves you so very much, you are and always will be my Tessie Poo!! 12/25/2005-12/16/2017